John & Meaghan
John & Meaghan

We're Getting Married!

John Flaherty
Meaghan Johnson

April 25th
7 Days Ago


Meaghan and John met while completing their residencies in Erie. They worked together on the same service one month and shortly after, both attended a colleagues wedding. As their paths crossed at the event, they wandered out to the terrace together to have some Whiskey and conversation. The next day Meaghan (with no little effort) managed to add herself to a brunch reservation that John and his friends had made. Afterwards they spent the day exploring the city, getting coffee, touring a Distillery and even jumped in a fountain (obviously this was John). Before they headed home, they made plans to meet up the following day to go sailing with a group of friends. It wasn’t long after that weekend that they made plans for a first official date. With John reminiscing his Bar Harbor days and Meaghan recently back from a trip to Key West, they were excited to find a local bar that served Dark n' Stormies and met up for drinks after work. They quickly began spending what free time they had together, countless hours listening to music at John's apartment, watching movies, going to the beach for sunset, and cooking up tasty meals. John taught Meaghan to play Cribbage and Meaghan bought some vinyl to keep on John’s shelf. They enjoyed travelling, meeting each other’s friends, finding new coffee shops and old bookstores. They took road trips to Maine, ski trips to Canada, and camping trips- especially if they had a hike with a waterfall at the end. After John finished residency, he stuck around Erie and their life together kept moving forward. They adopted an oversized puppy (more like a pony) named Finnegan and then another big fluffer named Fiadh. After giving their dogs such great Gaelic names, they made it to Ireland themselves in October of 2022. They explored Edinburgh and Oban in Scotland first, then flew on to Dublin where John handled driving on the left side like a pro and Meaghan pretended the hedgerows weren’t so scarily close. They arrived in Galway (scratch free) and were immediately taken with the city. Walking down to the Harbor they saw locals catching fish, watched swans swimming by the Spanish arch (whats left of the old city wall), strolled the narrow winding streets and found some incredible food. They explored castle Aughnanure (unknowing it was the Flaherty family castle!), got stopped by sheep roaming across a country road in the fog and had lunch in Spiddal where some of John’s relatives still live. Back in Galway that evening they were wandering through the shops before dinner when John suggested they walk back down to the water. As they approached the Spanish Arch, John got down on one knee and much to Meaghan’s surprise at the moment, pulled out an engagement ring. Since all you readers have made it to the wedding page, I’m guessing you know how that story ended….

Our Destination

Sandals Royal Curacao

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You'll experience it in the way the expansive pool extends into the endless Spanish Water, encouraging you to imagine forever. In the place where Tafelberg Mountain meets the horizon, inspiring peaks that beckon you to climb to new heights and absorb stunning sunsets. And how the wind catches a sail, propelling adventures yet to come. You'll taste it in the quintessential flavors of Dutch, Caribbean, Latin and Creole cuisine, simmered low and slow, melding into a stoba stew. And hear it when you learn to say "I love you" in four different languages, with a true sense of warmth only Sandals can teach you. You'll put it all into the memories you'll create, with the person you love, here at Sandals Royal Curacao. We invite you to see, taste, smell, hear, and feel it for yourself.