Sarah & Steve
Sarah & Steve

We're engaged!

March 1, 2023

On January 29, 2023, our first day of vacation, while walking around Key West, Florida, we came upon Mile Marker 0. Mile marker 0 is the beginning of Route U.S. 1, the long road spanning 2370 miles from Florida all the way up the East Coast to Maine. Our friends Pam and Chris had us pose for a picture in front of the Mile 0 sign, like most every other tourist does while visiting the Keys. But little did they or I know, Steve had been carrying a little box with a diamond ring inside all afternoon.  I finally realized why he was tugging on my dress trying to get my attention while I was smiling for the camera. Steve was holding the little leather box in his hand waiting for me to notice. This was his proposal! It was the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen! A man of few words, Steve avowed we would now be "starting from 0". And that is just perfect to me. What better place to start the long road to the rest of our lives together! This is only the beginning.