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Find a Couple's Registry

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Allison Jay and Dawson Jenkins
Lakeisha Johnson and James JohnsonBulverde, Texas
Malik Jacques and Denise BowenMalik Jacques and Denise Bowen
Lori Jaklevich and Gary Jaklevich
Amy Joynt and Drew BallAmy Joynt and Drew Ball
Megan Cheeves and Anthony JenkinsZACHARY, LA
Megan Cheeves and Anthony JenkinsZACHARY, LA
Chelsea Jacobs and Charles KernsChelsea Jacobs and Charles KernsBunker Hill, WV
Kayla Jones and Rene Amador
Ashley Terwilliger and Craig JonesWINSTON SALEM, North Carolina
Kaitlyn Jones and Erika VarnerTowson, Maryland
Jonte Gray and James Jones
Karon Jenkins and Jada MurryPittsburgh, Pa
Andrea Jimenez and David ButlerAndrea Jimenez and David Butler
Jenna Jablonski and Michael NeffJenna Jablonski and Michael NeffVoorhees Township, NJ
Camille Jackson and Salif NikiemaCamille Jackson and Salif Nikiema
Emily Holder and Sean Jamieson
Alex Thompson and Marissa Jordan Bensonwaynesboro, Pennsylvania
Juliane Jackson and Jason Rossman
Chelsea Cuervo-Fernandez and Grant Johnson
Billencia Jones and Christopher Menefee
Billencia Jones and Christopher MenefeeSHREVEPORT, Louisiana
Taryne Mousser and Adam JonesTaryne Mousser and Adam Jones
Kaleigh Jones and Peyton Wagner
Teresa Worthy and Brian JohnsonSaint Johns, FL
Shannen Johnston and Scott MillerVictor, NY
Amy Smith and Daniel Jackson
Iraida Jimenez and Bobby SwehlaIraida Jimenez and Bobby SwehlaSummerville, SC
Karl Gehring and Angela Jones
Madeline Mayfield and Rylan Joyce
Allison Kenney and Brandon Jorge
Brooke Ferguson and Tyler Jones
Chrystyna Johnson and Seth NortonChrystyna Johnson and Seth NortonMcKinney, TX
Danielle Billups and Jermaine Johnson
Lyssa Jones and Dan MonforteLyssa Jones and Dan MonforteDeptford, NJ
Ruby Jamil and Colton Boros
Sandy Jowers and Floyd SelfTallahassee, FL
Kissena Frazier and Willie Jay Johnson IIIKissena Frazier and Willie Jay Johnson III
Milton Geddes and Christina JonesMilton Geddes and Christina JonesSavannah, GA
Abby Lamb and Shane Jones
Helen Jones and Ben Pullen
Jamie Garrity and Gareth Jenkins-MastersonTaunton, MA
Allie Johnson and Andrew Suiter
Lawrence Johnson and Genie MooreLawrence Johnson and Genie MooreJacksonville, FL
Milan Jones and Byron KizzeeMilan Jones and Byron Kizzee
Lucy Stockton and Christopher JonesBrinscall, Chorley
Hilary Heath and Zack JamesStarkville, MS
Madison Jacobs and Ryan Bullinger
Meisha Davis and Patrick Johnson
Eboni Hearn-Lindsey and Raymond JumperCarmel, IN

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