Jasmine & Demetri
Jasmine & Demetri

Schedule of Events

Below are the scheduled events for our wedding weekend. We hope this helps you plan out your vacation plans 😊 

Welcome Cocktail Party

A special thank you to our family and friends who are coming to celebrate our special day with us!
Ocho Rios
Ocho Rios, St. Ann Parish, Jamaica

Rum and Game Night

Wedding Ceremony

Our ceremony will be held on the beach with a cocktail hour to follow in the Piano Bar
Ocho Rios
Ocho Rios, St. Ann Parish, Jamaica

Cocktail hour

Will be located at the Sky Terrace
Beaches Ocho Rios
Old Main Rd
Ocho Rios, , Jamaica


The reception will follow the cocktail hour at the sky terrace. Here we will have dinner and PARTY with a local DJ.
Ocho Rios
Ocho Rios, St. Ann Parish, Jamaica

Will we see you there?