Taylor & Alexander
Taylor & Alexander


What time is check-in/check-out?

Check-in is at 3:00PM. If you arrive prior to check-in, staff will safely secure your luggage and inform you when your room is ready. While waiting, you can freely enjoy the property's amenities, as your all-inclusive vacation has already begun! Check-out is at 11:00AM, so if your flight departs later, you can easily secure your luggage with us and still enjoy the amenities, like grabbing a bite to eat or sitting by the sea while you wait.



To Book Rooms: 

Contact our wedding concierge Karrell Barrett at 1-877-726-3257, Ext: 4589

Group Code: WG24168112

What's Included?

All meals, anytime snacks and fine dining
Scuba diving (if certified)*
Luxurious accommodations
Golf green fees in Jamaica and Saint Lucia
Sailing, water skiing, snorkeling & more
Land sports
Wi-Fi at all resorts in all public areas and all room categories.
Exchange privileges
Airport transfers and resort transfers**
Top–shelf drinks
All tips, gratuities and hotel taxes
* Certification card and dive log required. 
** Transportation to other neighboring Sandals (within the same town) are included. 
