Cassandra (San) & Seth
Cassandra (San) & Seth

We're retying the knot!

San Harris
Seth Harris

September 13th 2025
Santa Barbara Curacao
208 Days
10 Hours
41 Minutes


We met in 1983 in Naples Italy, where Seth and I were stationed as active-duty members of the U.S. Navy. We both worked in communications and upon his arrival in Italy he was assigned to my watch section but on a different floor. Prior to Seth’s arrival, I rarely left the second floor to visit the first floor where a few of my friends worked. I soon found reasons to visit the first floor and chat with my friends on a frequent basis. They soon noticed whereas before I never came down to their floor and the only thing that had change was the arrival of Seth into the work section. It was also very noticeable that I talked to everyone but him. One friend took on the role of match maker and facilitated our first date. I invited him to my birthday dinner, and we have been inseparable ever since. 

After several relocations, numerous deployments, two beautiful daughters, two amazing grandsons, and 40 years of marriage, our love is stronger than ever and we continue to wirte our love story.

We can't wait to celebrate on September 13, 2025 with all of you and establish this date as our "rededication anniversary."

Our Destination

Sandals Royal Curacao

Where Amazing Comes Together

Nestled in the Southern Caribbean, on the coast of a tiny, beautiful island where natural and cultural wonders connect to create a beautiful melange unseen anywhere else. Here is where the natural romance of our intimate island comes alive. You'll see it in the line where the desert landscape gently slopes into the azure ocean. Waters that invite you to dive in and explore what's beneath.

You'll experience it in the way the expansive pool extends into the endless Spanish Water, encouraging you to imagine forever. In the place where Tafelberg Mountain meets the horizon, inspiring peaks that beckon you to climb to new heights and absorb stunning sunsets. And how the wind catches a sail, propelling adventures yet to come. You'll taste it in the quintessential flavors of Dutch, Caribbean, Latin and Creole cuisine, simmered low and slow, melding into a stoba stew. And hear it when you learn to say "I love you" in four different languages, with a true sense of warmth only Sandals can teach you. You'll put it all into the memories you'll create, with the person you love, here at Sandals Royal Curacao. We invite you to see, taste, smell, hear, and feel it for yourself.