What is the cost to go?
As of July, a room for 2 at Sandals Ochi from Nov. 8th-12th, 2024 starts at $2,327. The resort is an all-inclusive, so the cost includes all food/activities/etc that come with the resort! You should also consider cost of flights to/from the MBJ airport in Jamaica (Sandals provides transportation to/from the resort and the MBJ airport). AND if you do not have a passport, you will need one! Without expedited costs, a passport costs ~$200. Keep in mind that it can take up to 8 weeks for you to receive your passport after you send your application. Up to 3 weeks if you pay for it to be expedited.
When do I need to make my reservation with Sandals by? When do I have to have paid my full balance for the trip with Sandals?
Reservations must be made and paid in full 60 days before your arrival in Jamaica, which is September 9th, 2024. When you make your reservation, you will be asked to pay a $98 hold. Four weeks after you make your reservation, you will be required to pay an additional $302 as a deposit. No matter when you book, your full balance is due September 9th.
What is the attire?
Beachy! Weather should be great in Jamaica in early November. If you want a color palette - think earth tones.
When do I need to RSVP by?
We ask that you RSVP through this site by September 1st, 2024, thank you!
When is check-in at the resort?
Check-in is whenever you can show up the first day of your stay! Which for you all should be Friday, November 8th. You're welcome to get to the resort as early as you can - if your room is not ready yet, the front desk will hold your luggage for you and you can start enjoying the resort right away!
Do I have to book my flights through Sandals?
No, Sandals offers it as an option, but you can absolutely just book your flights through other sites. Sandals will still shuttle you to/from the airport.
Where on the resort is everyone staying?
You're welcome to stay wherever around the resort you want! We went with the cheapest room available ("Riviera Bamboo Grove Premium"), and figure most of you will also go with that option. These are located in the Ginger Lily Building on the beach-side of the resort.
Where is all the info about the New Mexico reception?
You can find info about our NM reception at our website below. This platform won't let me hyperlink, so you have to copy/paste the URL yourself :( The reception will be Saturday, October 19th, 2024 in Los Alamos, NM.
Remember, we don't expect anyone to join us in Jamaica and/or at our NM reception. If you're able to attend both or neither or only one or the other, we're here for it! We love you regardless!